Jun 27, 2018
Be an Active Listener How can we listen to build community? Active listening is a tough thing to do. We have to speak less, eliminate distractions, and get beyond the small talk. We have to avoid giving advice unless asked. We have to repeat to clarify and follow up with someone after a conversation. It’s […]
Jun 21, 2018
Be an Encouraging Developer How can we develop others to create community? Develop those around you by cheerleading, complimenting, challenging, and displaying gratitude. Sometimes, we simply forget to point out what people are doing well. If we maintain a culture of “catching people doing something right” and pointing it out, it will have a ripple […]
Jun 14, 2018
Be a Thoughtful Connector How can we connect others to build community? We have to be unselfish and put others before us. At every opportunity we should introduce people to one another; it will strengthen and build upon our communities. We should invite folks to different settings and situations with different people, especially when someone […]
Jun 7, 2018
Can we intentionally build community? Google community and you will find article after article, study after study, meme after meme on the topic – about 4.4 billion hits. There are countless thoughts, scholarly publications, and opinions on it. It elicits frequent conversation and copious amounts of research. The want and need for it is a […]
May 25, 2018
Can we be done dogging Millennials now? Thank you. We’ve heard them all – Participation ribbons. Super flexible work schedules. Asking for promotions way too soon…Snowflakes, right? If this sounds like your mindset on Millennials, you’re taking a big risk and missing a huge opportunity. The key to your organization creatively overcoming future challenges lies […]
May 10, 2018
Want crisper lettuce? Cool…stay with me here. We’ve all been there. You’re sitting in the middle of a tense situation and are quickly approaching a decision point. Your pulse picks up (whether you realize it or not) and you start thinking through your options as fast as you can so you’re prepared when the crossroads […]
Apr 25, 2018
Everyone wants to be liked and respected. Often Leaders fulfill these desires by surrounding themselves with people who are like us, who like us, and avoid people who cause of trouble and disagree with us. However, there is a danger in only surrounding ourselves with like-minded people. No one likes to be told “no”. Nothing […]
Apr 19, 2018
Leadership is hard. That’s probably not a newsflash to anyone, but it bears repeating, leadership is hard. Sometimes you feel like everything is falling into place and other times you wonder how you ever managed to get where you are. From my own trials and tribulations, here are my most important lessons in leadership so […]
Apr 12, 2018
So we’re all super messy, right? It sucks, and I hate it, but it’s true. In the constant quest to leave a big, positive impact, I struggle with this idea a lot. I used to think that you could follow certain rules and easily glide through the hiccups, but it never works. So that means […]
Mar 29, 2018
I had been taking my dad to Hardee’s for karaoke night, and realized that the church group regulars reacted negatively when a homeless person came in. I started greeting each homeless person who came in. It was hard for me to sit with this group week after week, but my dad enjoyed it, and I […]