Jul 23, 2018
The decision to leave a job is a tough one. We build it up to be a massive, earth-shattering decision, especially if there’s other people depending on our income. While there’s a million things to consider, you can usually boil it down to a simple comparison. Before you even consider looking for a new gig, […]
May 25, 2018
Can we be done dogging Millennials now? Thank you. We’ve heard them all – Participation ribbons. Super flexible work schedules. Asking for promotions way too soon…Snowflakes, right? If this sounds like your mindset on Millennials, you’re taking a big risk and missing a huge opportunity. The key to your organization creatively overcoming future challenges lies […]
May 10, 2018
Want crisper lettuce? Cool…stay with me here. We’ve all been there. You’re sitting in the middle of a tense situation and are quickly approaching a decision point. Your pulse picks up (whether you realize it or not) and you start thinking through your options as fast as you can so you’re prepared when the crossroads […]
Apr 12, 2018
So we’re all super messy, right? It sucks, and I hate it, but it’s true. In the constant quest to leave a big, positive impact, I struggle with this idea a lot. I used to think that you could follow certain rules and easily glide through the hiccups, but it never works. So that means […]
Jan 6, 2018
Anticipation + Preparation + Execution = A Great Interview. If you can master the art of the interview, you’ll have a major advantage as you move through life. Your ability to give a good interview will give you a huge leg up in getting your job, as well as a lot of other […]
Jan 5, 2018
“So if you’re in the middle of the shit right now, don’t quit.” Those times that bring us to our knees, bend us to the breaking point and cause the most pain will become the foundation of the greatest version of ourselves. We all have bad times, and they seem endless when we’re […]
Jan 4, 2018
“So what’s your why?” If you are your own brand, shouldn’t you have a mission statement like any other brand out there? A mission statement uses a short sentence, or even a phrase, to say everything that the brand stands for. Linkedin’s says, “To connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive […]
Jan 3, 2018
“Since you’ll inevitably find yourself in this situation, you might as well be prepared for it.” Networking isn’t dead, but it has changed forever. Before looking at how to survive the standard networking event, and even get something out of it, let’s look at the ideal networking. The best way to grow a […]
Dec 31, 2017
“They’ll become the your backbone, and will lead to stronger decision-making and a happier future.” We all have things that make us go. While they may be difficult to discover, understanding them is the backbone of leading a successful life. We all must understand what drives us in order to define and attain our […]
Dec 31, 2017
“It’s simple: actively work each day to better understand yourself, and then live it out.” You can’t be your best or reach your own definition of success unless you’re true to yourself. That takes work. In the years that have brought you to this moment in time, you’ve encountered countless distractions. The social world […]